জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের (জাবি) দর্শন বিভাগের অধ্যাপক ড. ফরিদ আহমেদের পদত্যাগসহ চার দফা দাবিতে বিক্ষোভ মিছিল ও মানববন্ধন করেছেন বিভাগের শিক্ষার্থীরা।

জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের (জাবি) দর্শন বিভাগের অধ্যাপক ড. ফরিদ আহমেদের পদত্যাগসহ চার দফা দাবিতে বিক্ষোভ মিছিল ও মানববন্ধন করেছেন বিভাগের শিক্ষার্থীরা।

own reporter, morenewsbd
own reporter, morenewsbd

Published: 09:35 18 August 2024

Dr. Jahangirnagar University (JAB) philosophy department professor. The students of the department staged a protest march and human chain for the four-point demand including Farid Ahmed's resignation.

On Sunday (August 18) at 11:30 a.m., the students took out a procession in front of the university's Faculty of Arts and Humanities building. At the end of the procession, they held a short rally in front of Shaheed Minar.

The other demands of the students are to organize the elections by starting the students' council very soon; speedy recovery of losses suffered by students in the recent chaotic situation; Taking all classes and exams of the department on time.

In the gathering, student Rubina Jahan Tithi said that where there is no soundness of thinking, there is no logic in studying philosophy. All of us in his class know that Professor Farid does not understand philosophy. Now we know that he is inhuman and moral. Where a teacher should stand by students, he did not consider students as human beings. Instead, he incited more police attacks. We have nothing to learn from such a teacher. We want him to come forward publicly and apologize to the students and resign from his post as soon as possible.

Student md. Rifat said that while it is the responsibility of the teacher to provide security to the students, he has further incited the BLA's attack on the students. He could never organize our class-exams properly. He never did any work for the welfare of the students of the department. On the other hand, he supported the attack of Awami-Chhatra League terrorists on students. He called the students Razakars and supported the police attack on them. None of us want to have a class with such a teacher. We declare him undesirable from the department and demand immediate effect of his resignation.
At the end of the protest march and assembly, the current president of the department, Professor Dr. Munir Hossain gave the memorandum to Talukdar.

By the way, recently Professor Dr. Farid Ahmed addressed the general students as 'Rajakar', asking them not to stop police firing inside the campus. A screenshot of which spread on social media.
