Sheikh Mujib's name dropped from new primary school oath

Sheikh Mujib's name dropped from new primary school oath

own reporter, morenewsbd
own reporter, morenewsbd

Published: 10:43 20 August 2024

The new pledge will be taught to students in primary schools across the country from now on. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's part has been omitted in the new oath. The Directorate of Primary Education has directed all government and private primary schools and PTIs in the country to read the new oath to the students.

This order was given in a notification signed by Lutfur Rahman, director of the department's policy and operations department, today (Tuesday).
The notification said, henceforth, the government has decided to recite the following oath after the National Anthem is played every day in public and private primary schools and PTI assemblies.

I swear that I will always devote myself to the service of people. I will be loyal to the country. We will always strive to maintain the unity and solidarity of the country. O Almighty Allah, the Great Creator, give me strength, so that I can serve Bangladesh and make Bangladesh a strong and ideal state. Amen.'

Earlier, the government issued guidelines for reciting the new oath in schools, colleges, madrasas in 2022.

The earlier oath was 'Bangladesh gained its independence through a bloody liberation struggle against the exploitation and deprivation of the Pakistani rulers under the leadership of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The Bengali nation has established its distinct ethnicity in the heart of the world. I solemnly swear that the blood of the martyrs will not go in vain. I will love the country, I will use all my strength for the overall welfare of the people of the country. We will build a developed, prosperous and non-communal Sonar Bangla in the ideals of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib. Lord give me strength.
