Expectations of Islamic University students from the new VC

Expectations of Islamic University students from the new VC

Tanim Tanvir- University correspondent, Kustia:
Tanim Tanvir- University correspondent, Kustia:

Published: 09:04 25 September 2024

The first government university established after independence was the Islamic University of Kushtia (EB). Recently, the Dean of Law Department of Dhaka University has been appointed as the 14th Vice-Chancellor. Nakeeb Mohammad Nasrullah. The newly appointed vice-chancellor joined the work on 24 September. After the mass uprising, the vice-chancellor has sky-high expectations of the students. Campus representative Tanim Tanveer is highlighting those expectations of the students.

Building a corruption-free administrative infrastructure
Mosaddek Hossain-Al Quran and Islamic Studies

Although Bangladesh is a small country in the world, in some places this small country has always been and is in the first row. That is corruption. It goes without saying that the festival of corruption is celebrated everywhere in the country. In this respect, Islamic University was not behind in any part. From the VC to the teachers, officials and employees, everyone should play this game with great joy. Audio recordings of corruption leaked three days out of seven a week. Construction of university infrastructure, half of the government's allocation for students goes into the pockets of administration called Raghav Boals. Although students have thousands of problems, they are still thinking about their future. It is as if we have tumbled down to almost the lowest point of degradation. There is no other option but to cry helplessly. So my expectation from the new VC is not to repeat the smell of corruption that I got in the audio leak of the previous VC. The interests of the University must always be given priority. Not even a single penny of government allocation for students should be misused. It should be remembered that the university administration is not the master of the students, they are the servants of the students. All involved in administration should be held accountable. Above all, it is the hope of the time to get out of the corruption that everyone's mentality is profiting from and prove himself as a competent administrator to take the university to a higher standard.

Session congestion resolution
Iqbal Hossain Emon-Department of Al-Hadith and Islamic Studies

One of the hindrances behind the development and progress of the university is session congestion. Students lose their passion for studies and research by becoming impatient with session congestion. The main reason for this session jam is the irresponsible behavior of the teachers in charge of the department. Teachers are busy with political meetings and marches by canceling their classes. Among the teachers there was a personal conflict between the white, red and blue groups. This results in delay in examination and examination results. As a result a 4 year course takes 6 years. Besides, there is a lack of proper monitoring by the university administration. We expect the new VC sir to resolve the session congestion through adequate monitoring in each department.

Labor-based student-teacher politics is prohibited
Lubaba Oishi-Law and Land Management Department

One of the historic 'Nine Point' demands of the mass uprising was to stop the fringe student politics on all campuses. I would expect the new VC to take effective steps to stop party-driven student-teacher politics. Political parties dominate the halls as a result of partisan politics. As a result, various types of chaos and problems are created in the campus. Instead of partisan politics, healthy student parliament-based student politics can be continued.
Basically we should change the system. When a teacher's only way to the top is through politics, they always end up with politics. Politics results in teachers running around in political meetings without class exams. A teacher's job is to research and build a nation. Moreover, even during the fascist era, I noticed that many unqualified people were hired by the party with large sums of money. The system needs to be such that the teacher evaluation system is based on merit, whose research paper is more. Besides, promotion should be given on the basis of who is more acceptable to the students.

Reduction of unwarranted leave

Safiqul Islam-Department of Law

While students of almost every department are mired in frustration due to the curse of session congestion, the university administration has kept 173 days off out of 365 days (including weekends) in the current year. Due to this unbridled vacation, it is not possible to complete the class-examination on time. As a result, session congestion is increasing. The holiday situation in EB is such that many mockingly call this university a pregnant university. I hope that the university will take effective steps to get out of such a critical situation.

Importance of research in producing world class graduates
Ahmad Abdullah-Department of Political Science

Initiatives should be taken to enrich research environment in universities, allocate adequate funds for research and launch research projects of international standard.There is a need to increase opportunities for students to work closely with teachers in research and projects. This will strengthen the student-teacher bond. He will emphasize on the promotion of quality education by updating the curriculum to improve the quality of education, organizing various workshops and seminars to improve the skills of the students. Besides, the VC should emphasize on creating opportunities for international scholarships, exchange programs and research collaborations along with the expansion of modern technology and online education in the university.

Increasing the quality of accommodation and food
Umayya Urmi-Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Our biggest crisis is the housing problem. Most of us students are spending whole campus life but still not getting allotted a seat. And the second problem is the low quality of food. It is very important to solve the housing problem by legally allocating seats and increasing the number of seats, increasing the quality of food in the dining halls and taking effective initiatives to provide clean water. Besides, especially the reading rooms of the hall are renovated and the number of seats is increased to ensure contemporary and modern facilities. We hope that the new VC will play a role in bringing back a clean and beautiful learning environment by ensuring these desirable facilities to the students by ending the inhumane living habits of guest rooms and common rooms in the halls.

Modernization of service sector
Abu Ubaydah-Information and Communication Technology

Students should be ensured proper education and good health. Central libraries should be brought under renovation to ensure conducive learning environment outside the classroom. Library should be kept open round the clock and collection of knowledge books including all departmental books should be enriched. Apart from this, I am drawing the special attention of the new administration towards the emergency services sector of students. In the past many of us have noticed that the doctor in charge is sometimes absent or comes late to work. Again, they failed to treat seriously injured patients due to insufficient medical equipment. We should get all types of treatment within the campus. Necessary steps should be taken for this. Above all, students should be freed from all forms of harassment by modernizing the service sector.
