Long live the dreamer Sheikh Kamal in the heart of youth

Long live the dreamer Sheikh Kamal in the heart of youth

Manik Lal Ghosh
Manik Lal Ghosh

Published: 04:31 5 August 2024

A man of multi-dimensional talents and endless vitality, he was at the same time very modest, polite, unassuming, unassuming and good-natured. He mingled with common people and became very common. He would extend a helping hand to any person's need.

Today's success of Bangladesh sports is a reflection of Sheikh Kamal's dream. Sheikh Kamal's dream of presenting this country to the outside world in the field of sports, his elder sister Bangabandhu's daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is working on the successful implementation of that dream. Dreams don't die. May the dreamer Sheikh Kamal live to be the pride of the young society.
He had only 26 years of life. At this young age, he has established himself at an extraordinary height as a rare talented organizer and entrepreneur in the field of Bengali culture and sports in terms of country and society. Central position of power, but simple in movement, modest in demeanor. Politeness is a family education. Despite being the son of the father of the nation, there was no sense of pride in him. Free roaming was in the ten horizons of talent. In addition to studies, he was not adept in any field including music practice, acting, debate, present speech, sports?
Such a question is repeated in discussions on the young man's working life and in the political writings at the national level. In the discussion, the story of various conspiracies and false propaganda against the young man with the pride of youth came up. The biggest victim of anti-Awami League propaganda and distortion of history after the 1975s is the multi-talented young man named Sheikh Kamal.
After the brutal killing of Bangabandhu and his family, from 1975 to 1996, the responsibility of ruling the country under different banners was the responsibility of the evil forces against independence. The contribution of the Bangabandhu family in the great liberation war and the way in which the young generation has been taught false history by distorting the spirit of the liberation war has resulted in the student society in danger today in the name of the quota reform movement.
Sheikh Kamal was born on August 5, 1949 in Tungipara, Gopalganj, the eldest son of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib. He is second among 5 siblings. He obtained matriculation from Dhaka Shaheen School, Intermediate from Dhaka College and Bachelor (Honours) and Post Graduate from Dhaka University from Department of Social Science.
As a devoted activist and organizer of the Chhatra League, he was beloved by the students. Sheikh Kamal's active participation in the 6-point and 11-point movements and the popular uprising of 1969 encouraged and motivated the students. The students of Bengal found the image of Bangabandhu in Sheikh Kamal that day.
As one of the organizers in the great liberation war, he organized the student society and took up the tool in the liberation war of the motherland. He was in charge as the ADC of the Commander-in-Chief of the Liberation Army, General Osmani. Sheikh Kamal organized the football team of independent Bengal during the liberation war. He dreamed that if the country becomes independent, the image of Bangladesh's sports arena will change and Bangladesh will sit at a unique height in the sports field in the outside world.
After gaining independence, Sheikh Kamal tried to use his outstanding talent to rebuild the country which had turned into ruins. After the liberation war, he left the army, returned to Dhaka University and completed his master's degree in sociology.
Sheikh Kamal is a popular young man in the sports and cultural movement of independent Bangladesh. In addition to studies, his walk in the cultural environment was very popular. He learned sitar from Chayanot. Formed theater group (Dhaka Theater) and modern music organization Spandan Shilikluna with the help of friends.
Sheikh Kamal is remembered in the sports arena by establishing the popular sports organization 'Abahani Krirachakra'. In 1972, he founded the Abahani Social Welfare Organization. Football team 'Iqbal Sporting' and cricket and hockey team 'Ispahani Sporting' were organized under the name of this organization. With the combination of these groups, the journey of Abahani Krirachakra started with new enthusiasm.
Sheikh Kamal's wife Sultana Khuku was a brilliant student of Dhaka University. Known internationally as a talented athlete. Sheikh Kamal's dream was to bring Bangladesh to the international level by playing football, cricket and hockey. He was trying hard to realize his dream. Bill Hart was brought to Abahani in 1973 to improve football. He dreamed of enriching Bangladesh in the outside world not only through sports, but also through art, literature and culture.
Anti-independence and a kuchkrimahal stood in the way of realizing Sheikh Kamal's dream. The cabal conspired to curb Sheikh Kamal's popularity and suppress his enthusiasm through multifaceted conspiracies and propaganda. On August 15, 1975, along with 18 family members including his mother and father, he was killed by the brutal bullets of the traitors. Sheikh Kamal was the first martyr in this hellish incident of the murder of Bangabandhu's family.

Bajlul Huda killed Bangabandhu's eldest son with his Stengun. According to the testimony of Habildar Quddus Sikder, one of the paharadars of Bangabandhu's house given by the court, Major Bajlul Huda and Captain Noor Chowdhury, members of the killer gang, entered the house first. A few others entered the house with him and saw Sheikh Kamal. Bajlul Huda immediately shot him with a Stengun.
Sheikh Kamal fell from the balcony and fell into the reception room. Once there, he was shot dead again by the gang of killers. With that, the bright star of the sports arena is extinguished. Kirtiman does not die. Those who wove a web of conspiracy against Sheikh Kamal, who spread many kinds of malice, are today thrown into the dustbin of history.
Today's success of Bangladesh sports is a reflection of Sheikh Kamal's dream. Sheikh Kamal's dream of presenting this country to the outside world in the field of sports, his elder sister Bangabandhu's daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is working on the successful implementation of that dream. Dreams don't die. May the dreamer Sheikh Kamal live to be the pride of the young society.

Author: Former Vice President of Dhaka Journalists Union and Executive Member of Bangladesh Awami Jubo League Central Committee.
