Goods of Amtali Muktijoddha Complex disappeared

Goods of Amtali Muktijoddha Complex disappeared

Upazila correspondent, Amtali (Barguna):
Upazila correspondent, Amtali (Barguna):

Published: 10:46 12 October 2024

Amtali Upazila Muktijoddha Complex's goods have been reported missing. The member secretary of the complex upazila social service officer Md. Manjurul Haque Kawsar complained that former freedom fighter commander Bir Muktijodha Ad. AKM Samsuddin Shanu took the goods. Amtali Upazila Resident Officer Muhammad Ashraful Alam has formed a three-member investigation committee headed by Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) Tarek Hasan. UNO Muhammad Ashraful Alam said that legal action will be taken in the light of the investigation committee's report.

It is known that in 2020, the government has announced a committee to manage the Amtali Upazila Freedom Fighters Parliament by appointing the upazila civil officer as the convener and the upazila social service officer as the member secretary. But the complaint is former freedom fighter commander Vir Muktijodha Ad. AKM Samsuddin Shanu did not hand over the keys of Muktijoddha complex to the committee under the influence of Awami League government. Member Secretary Upazila Social Service Officer Md Manjurul Haque Kawsar alleged that the former commander has been taking care of the complex as per his wish for the past four years.

When Sheikh Hasina's government fell on August 5, the student crowd broke the statue of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in front of the Muktijoddha Complex. Upazila former freedom fighter commander Ad. Member Secretary Md Manjurul Haque Kawsar also alleged that AKM Samsuddin removed the important goods of Shanu Complex. Then on September 15, the former commander Shanu gave the list of the damage to the Muktijoddha building at the hands of the student crowd to the convener of the Muktijoddha Sangsad, Upazila Residential Officer Muhammad Ashraful Alam and member secretary Md. Manjurul Haque Kawsar.

It includes computers, laptops, 5 leaning fans, 48 ​​cups and glasses, 2 jugs, 1 pitcher, 15 glasses, 2 trays, 12 small plates, 24 large plates, 6 bowls, 30 spoons. , took 12 towels and 1 rack. Amtali Upazila Resident Officer Muhammad Ashraful Alam has formed a three-member investigation committee headed by Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) Tarek Hasan.

Upazila Social Service Officer and Muktijoddha Sangsad member secretary Md. Manjurul Haque Kawsar complained that the government did not give the key to the complex building to the committee announced by the government in 2020 due to the influence of former freedom fighter commander Ad.AKM Samsuddin Shanu Awamig. He further complained that the list of damages was handed over to me almost a month after the fall of the government of the student-janata movement on August 5. He (Commander) was asked several times to make a general diary of the police station regarding the damage, but he did not make a diary. He also said that he himself (the commander) removed the goods and now he is claiming to have taken the students. In fact, the students did not attack the Muktijoddha complex.

Upazila former freedom fighter commander Ad. AKM Samsuddin Shanu was contacted on his mobile phone, he said that there is a journalist in front of me, I will talk to you later.

Head of investigation committee and upazila assistant commissioner (land) Tarek Hasan said, investigation will be done and report will be submitted on time. Amtali Upazila District Officer Muhammad Ashraful Alam said that there was no incident of disappearance of goods of Muktijoddha Complex during the movement of students and people. It is believed that the person who had the key (former freedom fighter commander) was responsible for the incident. He also said that an inquiry committee has been formed in this regard. Legal action will be taken in the light of the inquiry committee's report.
