Priyanvi Sa. The kind of food he used to eat

Priyanvi Sa. The kind of food he used to eat

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own reporter, morenewsbd
own reporter, morenewsbd

Published: 07:02 17 August 2024

Whatever came in front of the Prophet during meals, he would eat with satisfaction. And did not think about what is not there. He used to eat all kinds of halal and holy food. But if something was unpleasant, even if it was not haram, he would refrain.

He never found fault with any food. If it felt good, he would eat it, otherwise he would leave it as if he had left it out of habit. He did not make any food illegal for anyone because of personal dislike.
Halwa and honey were his favorite food. He used to eat camel, sheep, chicken, dumba, rabbit. Prophet SAW also ate goat meat. Also ate marine life, fish.

He used to eat raw and ripe dates. Rasulullah SAW also used to eat honey mixed with milk, chuttu, and water. He used to eat pita made with date soaked water, milk and flour. Bread was eaten with paneer, ripe dates, vinegar, meat broth, ihala cooked in fat.

He used to eat roast meat and liver. Rasulullah SAW also used to eat gourd curry.
The Prophet's habit was to eat whatever he could find to satisfy his hunger, never to get angry or misbehave when he had nothing. He also tied stones to his stomach due to hunger pangs.
