7 proposals were accepted in the national consultation meeting of top scholars

7 proposals were accepted in the national consultation meeting of top scholars

own reporter, morenewsbd
own reporter, morenewsbd

Published: 06:36 22 September 2024

In the ongoing situation of the country, 7 important proposals have been accepted in the national consultation meeting on what to do by Ulamae Keram and Islamic thinkers.

These proposals were accepted in the national consultation meeting held at Jatrabari Bara Madrasa (Jamia Islamia Darul Uloom Madania) on Saturday (September 21) at 2:30 in the morning, under the chairmanship of Allama Mahmudul Hasan, Chairman of Qaumi Madrasa Education Board Befaq and Al-Hayatul Ulaya Lil-Jamiatil Qaumiyya Bangladesh.

A national consultation meeting of top scholars of the country was held at Jamia Islamia Darul Uloom Madania Madrasa in Jatrabari of the capital on socio-state issues related to political change.

At the call of Gulshan Central Mosque Khatib and Qaumi Madrasa Education Board Chairman Sheikh Jatrabari Allama Mahmudul Hasan, 7 proposals were accepted as the actions of Ulamae Keram in this national consultation meeting entitled 'What to do by Ulamae Keram and Islamic Thinkers in the ongoing situation of the country'.

Hefazate Islam Bangladesh Secretary General Allama Sajidur Rahman, Islamic Movement Bangladesh (IAB) Amir Mufti Syed Muhammad Rezaul Karim (Pir Saheb Charmonai), Allama Mufti Mizanur Rahman Sayeed, Dhalkanagar Pir Allama Mufti Zafar Ahmad, Chairman of Quran Education Board in Bangladesh Allama Nurul Huda Faizi, Befaq Director General Allama Ubaidur Rahman Khan Nadvi, Secretary General Maulana Mahfuzul Haque, Mufti Mustakun Nabi and leaders of various Islamic political parties and top scholars of the country participated.

In the speech of the president of Qaumi Madrasa Education Board Befaq and Al-Hayatul Ulaya Lil-Jamiatil Qaumiyya Bangladesh Chairman Allama Mahmudul Hasan urged the ulama of all levels to forget mutual differences and remain united to protect the overall welfare of the country, Islam, country, humanity, religious tahjib-tamaddun.

He said, 2024 is a significant year for us. In the last month of July-August, a pot change happened in the country through the movement of students. The main force of which was the united effort of all. Great things can be done if the countrymen are united. At that time, the unity of the ulama with the students of Bangladesh was noticeable. At this stage, an unprecedented national unity and solidarity has also been created. At one point, the interim government took over. They have taken initiative to carry out reforms at many basic levels including the state. It is the responsibility of the Ulema to see whether the Islamic ideals and values ​​and the interests of the country and the nation are being preserved in this reform work.

Allama Mahmudul Hasan said that it is the responsibility of the ulema to look after the interests of 92 percent of the Muslims in each newly formed commission of the interim government. It is a duty to monitor that no anti-Islamic steps are taken, especially in constitutional reform, and to maintain the participation of Ulamae Keram and Islamic thinkers in every commission including the Constitution.

He urged all concerned to be vigilant in this matter.

The Chairman of Qaumi Education Board said that if the rulers make a mistake at such a moment when the political situation of the country is changing, the nation will have to pay the price of this mistake for ages. As the unity of the people has prevailed in the new situation, unity is needed to maintain it. In particular, the promotion and establishment of worldly victory is more important to us than worldly victory. So no matter the situation in the country, Ulama's work of Keram will not stop. Just as there is no alternative to national unity to realize the new dream that the nation is seeing in changing the pot, there is no alternative to the unity of the Ulama for the success of Islamic activities.

Urging to achieve the goal by maintaining mutual love in religious matters, he said, religious people are now waiting for the united platform of Ulamae Keram. Stay united. Gain an acceptable strength from unification. Then you can speak with power at the table of getting fair rights while maintaining your own identity. Once separated, that energy no longer exists. If you are united instead of being separated, it will be possible to permanently occupy a place in the minds of the people. Participation of Islam and Muslims as a strong force in the state system will be ensured.

Shaikh Jatrabari said, you have to remember - the ways, principles and ideals of Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat, Akabire Deoband and Bangladesh's hundred-year-old top mentor Ulamae Keram should be upheld at all times.

I want to keep the flag of abrogation flying at any cost along with the noble dignity of Ismat Ambiya, Sahaba in Court, Azmat Fuqahaye Mujtahidin and Muslihine Ummat, Shane Ayimmaye Arbaa, Mashayekhe Tarikae Arbaa and Khatme Nabuwaat. Allama Mahmudul Hasan emphasized that the ulama should keep a keen eye on this issue so that transgender, LGBTQ, pantheism, western chauvinism, extreme feminism cannot be included in the scope of the new Bangladesh reform.

He also said that any activity against the integrity of Bangladesh, such as missionary inaction, terrorist activities of foreign NGOs, should be looked at in a united manner. You have to be alert.


In the meeting, 7 proposals were unanimously accepted under the title of Olamaye Keram. They are-

One. No anti-Islamic steps can be taken in constitutional reform as a part of state reform and participation of ulema and Islamic thinkers must be ensured in every commission including the constitution.

Two. The education reform committee should include Islamic educationists, curriculum and syllabus experts.

Three. Western ideologies, transgenderism, LGBTQ, radical feminism, pantheism, etc. cannot be infiltrated in the scope of reforms.

Four. Legislation must be passed to uphold the honor and dignity of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the end of Prophethood.

Five. The beliefs, values ​​and culture of 92 percent of the people must be evaluated in every aspect of state, society and government.

Six. A council will be formed under the leadership of Allama Mahmudul Hasan to provide Shariah-based analysis and direction of all deen activities in Bangladesh.

Seven. In the light of the proposals received from today's national consultation meeting, a comprehensive outline of unity in the Islamic arena will be presented to Al-Hayatul Uliya.

The national consultation meeting which started at 10:30 am was also attended by Senior Nayeb Amir Mufti Syed Muhammad Faizul Karim, President of Jamiat Ulamae Islam Maulana Manusurul Hasan Raipuri, Muhtamim of Faridabad Madrasa Maulana Abdul Quddus, Secretary General of Islamic Movement Maulana Yunus Ahmad, Allama. Nurul Islam Olipuri, Mufti Mohammad Ali, Maulana Gazi Ataur Rahman, Jamiat General Secretary Dr. Mohiuddin Ikram, Amir of Khilafat movement Maulana Mujibur Rahman Hamidi, Maulana Sadek Ahmad Siddiqui, Maulana Abdul Awal (Narayanganj), Maulana Muslehuddin Gauharpuri, Mufti Kefayatullah Azhari, Maulana Abu Jafar Qasemi, Maulana Muhiul Islam Burhan (Gazi Pur), Maulana Ali Ahmad (Pir Sahib Chandibardi), Maulana Shawkat Hossain Sarkar, Maulana Obaidullah Hamza, Maulana Borhanuddin Rabbani, Maulana Anwarul Haque, Mufti Maulana Golamur Rahman, Maulana Ashraf Ali, Maulana Rashid Ahmad, Maulana Abu Taher Nadvi , Mufti Sohail etc.
