BNP has asked all the Hindu community to move and conduct business without fear

BNP has asked all the Hindu community to move and conduct business without fear

Staff Correspondent,
Staff Correspondent,

Published: 10:53 7 September 2024

BNP has asked all the Hindu community to move and conduct business without fear in Sirajganj's Tarasha. They have been requested to inform them if there is any need or if anyone bothers them in any way, including not paying any subscription, not being afraid. They said to the Hindu community, you have no fear, we are on your side.

On Saturday (September 7) around 12:30 noon, district and upazila BNP leaders said these things in an exchange meeting with all the Hindu communities of the upazila in the grounds of the Tarash Document Writers Association office.

President of Tarash Upazila BNP. In the speech of the chief guest in the exchange meeting chaired by Mr. Afsar Ali, District BNP vice-president and former VP Amar Krishna Das said, "This country is mine and all of you." We are all citizens of this country by birth. Everyone has equal rights here. Don't wrap yourself in Hindu thinking. Live your life without fear. Don't give money to anyone, don't be afraid of threats. If someone asks for a subscription or bothers, let the administration know, let us know. Even if they are members of our party, there is no exemption for them. We will take maximum action against them.

The leader of the district committee said that the term of the Tarash Upazila Puja Celebration Parishad expired long ago. The chairman of the current committee called for the dissolution of this committee and the formation of a new committee. In such a situation, next Friday or Saturday, we will meet with the district committee on this issue and dissolve the committee and form a new acceptable committee to fulfill your expectations.

At that time, this former VP said, we got a new Bangladesh through the movement of students and people. The dictatorial government has fled, the people of the country are tasting a new Bangladesh. But care should be taken so that this achievement is not lost for some. At this time he asked the question, can you (Hindu community) say that you have suffered any damage or attack and encroachment by us? If you can't then learn to love us as we love you. If we can be by your side, then you should also be by our side, love.

At this time in the speech of the president. Prof. Aminur Rahman Tutul, General Secretary of Upazila BNP, said in the speech of Mr. Afsar Ali and special guest, "We are always by your side in Upazila BNP. We have tried our best not to harm you. We have also succeeded in ensuring your safety. You are our brothers, we will walk together. There is no room for discrimination. Come in for any of your needs, our doors are open 24 hours for you. There will be requests, just consider us once.

At that time, Gopal Chandra Ghosh, President of Tarash Upazila Farmers' Party and former General Secretary of Upazila Sanatan Sansthan, said in his speech, "I want to say clearly that you should not give a penny to anyone, do not be afraid." I believe you all are citizens of this country and have equal rights. No one has reason to fear a bloodshot eye. Live normal life, conduct business. If someone asks for money, threatens, intimidates, inform the administration, inform us. We will protest it, we will stand by you. If you review all the past till date, you will see that BNP does not loot the wealth of Hindus but gives security and loves them.

Manik Saha, Joint General Secretary of District Puja Celebration Parishad, Professor Dulal Hossain, Joint General Secretary of Upazila BNP, Lecturer Saidur Rahman, Organizing Secretary, Upazila Puja Celebration Parishad President Rajat Kumar Ghosh, President of Upazila Hindu Buddhist Christian Oikya Parishad spoke as special guests. Ashutosh Sanyal, upazila youth party convener f. M. Shah Alam, Senior Joint Convener Rajib Ahmed Masum, Joint Convener Shukur Mirza, Joint Convener of Sirajganj Pu Chhatra Dal Dipankar Ghosh Shubo, Convener of Svechasevak Dal. Shahadat Hossain, Chhatra Dal convener Zahid Fakir, member secretary Shahadat Hossain.

At that time, the leaders and workers of BNP and organizations, the leaders and workers of various organizations of Hindus in the upazila, local and district media workers, besides hundreds of men and women from different areas of Sanatan community and people of all professions were present.
