Muchapur sluicegate broke down, residents in fear

Muchapur sluicegate broke down, residents in fear

own reporter, morenewsbd
own reporter, morenewsbd

Published: 07:29 26 August 2024

Muchapur sluice gate broke due to the pressure of flood water, local residents panicked. This has spread panic among the local residents. This incident happened on Monday morning.

It is known that the water of Feni Muhuri river due to the upstream of India and the water of Companyganj due to heavy rain goes to the Bay of Bengal through the 23 gates of Muchapur sluice gate regulator. On Monday morning, the regulator broke due to heavy water pressure. Then the bridge sank into the water.

Local residents said that everyone is leaving the area. Because when the tidal water enters the area will sink. Everyone is running. Pray for us.

Ayub Ali, chairman of Muchapur Union Parishad (UP), said that the regulator broke because it could not withstand the intense water pressure. Our Muchapur closure is over. Local people are crying. Everyone is helpless. If the tide is high, now the whole Companyganj will be washed away. Allah has no choice but to protect us.

Companiganj Upazila Executive Officer (UNO) Md. Anwar Hossain Patwari said the Muchapur regulator has been damaged, requesting Sabina not to crowd the regulator-adjacent area to facilitate the work of the engineers of the Water Development Board.
