Equality of Islam in family and society

Equality of Islam in family and society

Dr. Abu Saleh Muhammad Toha

Morenews Desk
Morenews Desk

Published: 11:50 31 July 2024

Man is the best creation of Allah Almighty. When and where people will be born, no one knows except Allah. Man's form, language, tribe, color - all are given by Allah. There is no room for human will in these.

So these have nothing to do with human superiority. All are equal as human beings. All human beings are born with a free and natural nature. After that, through obedience to Allah, one gets the opportunity to excel.

There is no opportunity in Islam to treat someone differently or deprive them of their rightful rights because of physical challenges in the world or because of language, caste, caste. Islam's principles of equality in family and society are as follows-
(1) All are equal as human beings: Almighty God first created this beautiful world. Then he sent mankind to it. He first created Adam (A.S.), then Eve (A.S.) and spread numerous human beings through them.

So everyone is their child. All are equal as human beings. Allah says, 'O man! Fear your Lord, who created you from a single man (Adam) and who created from him his mate (Hawa) and spread from them innumerable men and women.' (Sura: Nisa, verse: 1)

(2) There is no superiority of language and caste: In the Farewell Hajj speech, Rasulullah (SAW) ordered to establish a society on the basis of equality by avoiding the discrimination of language and caste, besides discussing the unjust bloodshed of people, the evils of usury, women's rights, etc. He said, 'O people! Know that your Lord is One and your Father is One. Know that the Arab has no superiority over the non-Arab and the non-Arab has no superiority over the Arab. There is no superiority of white over black and black over white. Taqwa is the only basis of dignity and excellence. Have I reached you? Companions present said, Yes, Messenger of God! You have arrived.'
(Musnad Ahmad, Hadith: 23489)

(3) Equality in expression of love: Although love is a matter of the heart, the method of expressing it is voluntary. In expressing love between children, it is less desirable. The words and deeds of parents should not show such feelings that the children understand that the parents love so and so more or love so and so less. Narrated by Ibn Jurayz, Rasulullah (SAW) called an Ansari Sahabi. In the meantime, one of the sons of that companion came to him. He kissed her, hugged her to his chest and put her on his lap. After a while one of his daughters appeared there, he took her by the hand and made her sit close to him. Noting this, Rasulullah (SAW) said, 'Your behavior towards both children should have been the same. Protect equality among your children. Even in kissing.' (Musannaf Abdur Razzaq, Hadith: 16501)

(4) Equality in giving wealth to children: It is important to maintain equality in giving something to children. No child should be discriminated against in excess of affection. Amer (RA) said, I heard Numan Ibn Bashir (RA) saying on the pulpit that my father had given me something. Then (my mother) Amra bint Rawaha (RA) said, I will not agree to this except with the witness of Rasulullah (SAW). Then he came to Rasulullah (s.a.w.s.) and said, I have given something to my son born to bint Rawaha. He asked me to keep you as a witness. He asked me, 'Did you give this to all your sons?' He said, no. Rasulullah (SAW) said, 'But fear Allah and protect equality between your children.' Numan (RA) said, then he returned and took back that donation. (Bukhari, Hadith: 2587)

(5) Equality between multiple wives: If there is more than one wife, equality must be maintained among them, otherwise, violence and hatred will spread in the family and the husband will be held accountable for the work of Allah in the Hereafter. Allah says, "Do not lean on one completely and leave the other hanging." (Sura: Nisa, verse: 129)

It is said in the hadith - Narrated by Abu Huraira (RA), Rasulullah (SAW) said, "He who has two wives, but he leans on one of them, on the Day of Resurrection, he will rise partially paralyzed." (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 2133)

(6) Equality in Inheritance and Bequests : Depriving or harming others by bequeathing more wealth to a child or successor at the time of death is so unjust that it leads to hell. Apart from this, no heir can be disinherited. Allah the Exalted has described the rules of inheritance in detail in the Qur'an. There is no scope for more or less. On the authority of Abu Huraira (R.A.), Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said, "A man or a woman acts in obedience to Allah for 60 years." Then when their death appears, they take harmful measures through bequests. As a result, hellfire is destined for them. (Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2117; Abu Dawud, Hadith: 2867) It is said about disinheritance — on the authority of Anas Ibn Malik (RA), Rasulullah (SAW) said, 'Whoever deprives his heir of inheritance, Allah will On the Day of Resurrection, you will be denied the inheritance of Paradise.'
(Ibn Majah, Hadith: 2703)


(7) Equality in the application of law: The principle of Islam in establishing the rule of law is equal for all. In this case caste, caste or language has no influence. During the time of Rasulullah (SAW), a woman from a noble family was found guilty of theft. On everyone's request, Usamah (R.A.) took his recommendation to the Prophet (S.A.W.). Then the Prophet (PBUH) became somewhat angry. Then he preached in the pulpit and said—'The communities before you have been destroyed, because they used to punish the lower class people and exempt the noble people. Oath of that entity! Had my life in the hand of (my daughter) Fatimah done such a thing, I would certainly have cut off her hand.' (Bukhari, Hadith: 6787)



Author: Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, Rajshahi University
