Jahangir's day after talking on the phone with Hasina.

Jahangir's day after talking on the phone with Hasina.

Staff Correspondent, morenewsbd.com
Staff Correspondent, morenewsbd.com

Published: 07:49 14 August 2024

Barguna District Awami League General Secretary and Zilla Parishad Chairman Md. talking to Sheikh Hasina on the phone. Jahangir Kabir has been arrested by the police.

He was arrested from Barguna in the early hours of Wednesday, August 14. Barguna Sadar police station OC AKM Mizanur Rahman confirmed the matter.
He said, a police team came from Dhaka and arrested him. It is believed that he was arrested on charges of conspiracy to cause chaos and counter-revolution after talking to Sheikh Hasina on his mobile phone. But I can't fully confirm the reason for the arrest.

Fakhrul will go to Abu Saeed's house today
Earlier, on Monday August 12, this Awami League leader spoke to former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina over the phone. In a three-minute phone conversation, Sheikh Hasina told Jahangir Kabir that you will conduct party activities in accordance with discipline. 15 August National Day of Mourning will be duly observed.

Md. Jahangir Kabir told Sheikh Hasina, you should not panic. We are weak when you are nervous. We are strong.
In reply, Sheikh Hasina said, why should I be nervous? I was not afraid. You see how our police forces are killed and hanged. Killed our workers. Killed wearing a burqa. This country became independent in exchange of blood. Stay as you are
