Mirza Fakhrul calls for the formation of interim government by today

Mirza Fakhrul calls for the formation of interim government by today

Staff Correspondent, morenewsbd.com
Staff Correspondent, morenewsbd.com

Published: 10:36 6 August 2024

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir urged the President to form the interim government by Tuesday. He made this call at a press conference after the party's standing committee meeting at the BNP Chairperson's office in Gulshan on Tuesday afternoon.

Mirza Fakhrul said, "I strongly want to say that within 24 hours a solution should be given regarding the formation of a non-partisan government." I appeal to the President, without delay tomorrow, by today…twenty-four hours are almost upon us…by 2 o'clock, please immediately dissolve this parliament and form an interim neutral government. Otherwise, there may be a political vacuum in the country again.
When asked if the quota reforming students want Professor Muhammad Yunus as the interim head of government, do you support them or not, Mirza Fakhrul said, "It is not a matter of supporting us here." It is that whenever the President proposes to us the name of the interim government, we will give the name to the President at that time.''
BNP Secretary General said, 'Here now the Constitutional Head of State President...he is the head of the state. He has sole jurisdiction to take such measures. So when the President calls us, we will propose the name that we have. But let me say one thing, we have full confidence in the students...we feel solidarity with their movement, we feel solidarity with them. I will say here, all-party matters should be given importance.
Mirza Fakhrul expressed his gratitude to the media. At the same time, he said, "I am sorry, after this victory, some miscreants set fire and vandalized some TV centers. It is against the idea of ​​free freedom and independent media. We always believe in Freedom of Press, we believe that individuals, people, organizations, especially journalists should express themselves freely. In that belief we think that those who have indulged in all these activities will desist from them and continue the free flow of the press.

"Students Salute"
Mirza Fakhrul said, "We want to deeply respect the martyrs. I pay my deepest respect to the students and people, who gave their lives in the long 15-16 years of democratic struggle. We want to greet the students and their leaders, salute them.
Mirza Fakhrul said, 'We have freed Rahu, we are the mastermind of fascism, the people have removed him... he has fled, expelled him. This victory there is undoubtedly a big victory, that victory must be consoled.

"Begum Zia's Message"
Mirza Fakhrul said, 'Madam (Khaleda Zia) has asked everyone to be calm. There should not be any situation in which the victory won can be taken away. The people have been asked to be alert, so that no one can take away this victory.
When asked when Khaleda Zia will come in public, BNP Secretary General said, 'You know, madam is very ill. I met last night...so whenever he feels fit, feels healthy, he will appear in public.'

When will Tarek Rahman return?
Mirza Fakhrul said, "Whenever he (Tareq Rahman) thinks he can come back... we have already requested him to come back soon." That system will be inshallah.
BNP Standing Committee members Khandkar Mosharraf Hossain, Zamir Uddin Sarkar, Mirza Abbas, Gayeshwar Chandra Roy and Selima Rahman were present in the press conference.
Earlier, a meeting of the party's standing committee was held in a room on the second floor of the chairperson's office in Gulshan. Acting chairman of the party Tariq Rahman presided over the meeting through Skype from London. In the meeting there were five members including the General Secretary of Sasri. Abdul Moin Khan, Salauddin Ahmed and Iqbal Hasan Mahmud Tuku, who were stationed abroad, joined virtually.
