The Workers Party wants a solution to the common river water problem

The Workers Party wants a solution to the common river water problem

Morenews Desk
Morenews Desk

Published: 01:18 26 May 2024

The speakers in the discussion titled 'Distribution of water of different rivers: Perspectives of Padma and Teesta' organized by Workers Party of Bangladesh said that the Ganges Agreement is at its last stage, the Teesta Agreement remains elusive. There is no end to Bangladesh's woes with international rivers. Meanwhile, polarization is happening in North Bengal. And salinity is rising in South Bengal.

Added to this is climate change. Therefore, for the sake of national security, the common river water problem must be solved. At the discussion meeting held at the Dhaka Reporters Unity Auditorium yesterday, Workers Party President Rashed Khan Menon commemorated Maulana Bhasani's Farakka March on the justification of getting a share of international river water.

He said that his initiative on that day and later the Left Front Government of West Bengal, especially in the role of Comrade Jyoti Bose, made it possible to conclude the Ganga Water Agreement, but the water as envisaged in the Ganga Agreement was never achieved.

On the other hand, as a result of the withdrawal of water upstream of the Ganga, including Farakka, the water supply of the Ganges for Bangladesh has reached a level that is practically impossible. On the other hand, India's inter-river connectivity plan has exacerbated this danger. Before the expiry of the Ganges Agreement, it has become necessary to renew the agreement on the basis of review.

About the Teesta Agreement, Member of Parliament Rashed Khan Menon said, Teesta has become a victim of geopolitical conflict before it was executed.

Bangladesh cannot wait for Teesta agreement. The recent proposal to finance the Teesta Master Plan by India without giving away the water of the Teesta Treaty amounts to virtually 'donating cows and shoes'. He also said that there is no waiting for anyone, to save the people of Teesta, to save North Bengal, this plan must be implemented with its own funding. It can be done with the money of the people of Teesta Par. For this he proposed the formation of Teesta Authority.
