Dr. Yunus is going to New York with 57 traveling companions.

Dr. Yunus is going to New York with 57 traveling companions.

Staff Correspondent, morenewsbd.com
Staff Correspondent, morenewsbd.com

Published: 10:28 21 September 2024

The foreign affairs adviser said that the current government has decided to reduce the expenditure. Of course, no unnecessary expenses can be incurred. There are some things we can't shrink even if we wanted to. Safety is above all. Total number of members will be 57 people. A big part of that is security and the press. I can tell you this, only those who need it go there.

The chief adviser of the interim government. Muhammad Yunus is going to New York next Monday (September 23) to attend the United Nations General Assembly session. The chief adviser is going to the country with a fleet of 57 people including the chief adviser's entourage, security forces and media personnel.

On Saturday (September 21) the chief adviser's participation in the United Nations session, the foreign affairs adviser told this information in a press conference organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Touhid Hossain.

At that time, Foreign Advisor Sheikh Hasina highlighted a figure of the fleet that went to attend the United Nations session during the government's tenure and said, "I can't say why those who used to take a big fleet earlier did that." Maybe it had some merit, but I don't know. In normal times the numbers were 344, 335; It was in the 73rd and 74th sessions. 75th became virtual due to covid. 108 attended the 76th session and 138 attended the 77th session despite the Covid restrictions. Bangladesh went to New York with a fleet of 146 people even when there was talk of cost reduction in the post-Covid period.
