Children born in shelters The name is flood.

Children born in shelters The name is flood.

Staff Correspondent,
Staff Correspondent,

Published: 07:03 27 August 2024

Every sunrise creates something and that creation sometimes comes back as a part of the history of the family, country or the world. Just like that, a child with feet was born in the shelter, named Flood.

As the house was submerged in the flood water, a newborn baby came on the lap of a mother named Samsun Nahar in a shelter of Ashwadia Union of Sadar Upazila of Noakhali. Considering the environmental conditions, he was named Banya. The newborn was born through normal delivery at Mridharhat High School in Ashwadia Union on Monday (August 26) night.

Maternity Samsun Nahar of Bahadurpur village of Ward 5 of Newajpur Union of the same upazila. Helal's wife.

It is known that her husband Helal took Samsun Nahar to the shelter as the house was submerged in the flood. On Monday (August 26) around 9:00 PM, a baby girl was born at 9:30 PM with the help of Sharifa Khatun, who is in the shelter. Meanwhile, the residents of the shelter wept with joy. Everyone immediately named the newborn as Banya.
