Hasan Abidur Reza Jewel passed away

Hasan Abidur Reza Jewel passed away

More Entertainment Desk

Morenews Desk
Morenews Desk

Published: 09:26 30 July 2024

Musician and producer Hasan Abidur Reza Jewel has passed away. He breathed his last at a private hospital in the capital on Tuesday (July 30) at 11:53 am (Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun).

Suffering from cancer for 11 years, Jewel has been treated in various hospitals in the country and abroad. A few days ago, he was put on life support in the hospital as his condition worsened. Finally, the artist died while undergoing treatment.

Jewel was diagnosed with liver cancer in 2011. Later, the cancer spread to the lungs and bones. But for the last two months, the condition of the body was deteriorating day by day.
Jewel's first album 'Kuasha Prahar' was released in 1992. This artist has released as many as ten albums. His most popular album is 'Ek Bickel'.
