There is a bloody history behind your appointment

There is a bloody history behind your appointment

own reporter, morenewsbd
own reporter, morenewsbd

Published: 07:46 12 August 2024

Attorney General addressed Chief Justice Syed Refat Ahmed. Asaduzzaman said, you are the first Chief Justice of an independent sovereign Bangladesh achieved through the second liberation struggle. You were not only appointed by the President, but behind your appointment there is a heroic saga of the timeless immortal poetry of Rajpath, soaked in the fresh blood of hundreds of innocent students of this country.

He also said that this incident is rare in the history of the world. Who will be the leader of the country who decides the road or the battlefield in any post-revolutionary country. And the brave students of our country, their parents, their well-wishers raised the demand to make you Chief Justice from the streets. This love is rare, this love is priceless, I can be proud of this love, right?
Today (Monday) the Attorney General said these things while welcoming the newly appointed Chief Justice in the courtroom of the Appellate Division.
The Attorney General said, "The souls of many missing people, the pain of being victims of extrajudicial killings, the stories of torture and persecution of countless people, the curse of many dead people being accused in disappearance cases, the lamentation of many families being destitute, which have happened in Bangladesh for more than a decade." Today's Bangladesh is another form of resistance from the language of vocal protest. Those souls who are victims of murder-disappearance-torture-oppression in that Bangladesh, those people are waiting for justice today, are looking at you, like the whole country, I hope you will not turn them away. To protect this country, the constitution of this country, the rights of the people of this country, the guardianship of the Supreme Court under your leadership as the guardian of the constitution in the establishment of democracy, this was the expectation of hundreds of martyrs including Abu Saeed-Mugdha-Faraj, it was the underlying reason of their anti-discrimination movement. Hope everyone's dream will be realized under your leadership.
Calling for the removal of all corruption from the judiciary, the Attorney General said, the whole nation knows the role of your father, Barrister Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed, for establishing the independence of the judiciary, the independence and independence of the lower court judges. We feel that your judgment in the famous Warrant of Precedence case in establishing the dignity of judges has taken your father's thinking a step further. For that reason, the entire nation expects the Judiciary to be syndicate free. I am hoping to eradicate all types of corruption by carrying out a clean-up campaign in the Supreme Court administration. Like many lawyers, I hope that both the Divisions of our Supreme Court, from Teknaf to Tentulia, Rupsa to Patharia, plains to hills and seas, do not get the idea that any lawyer will benefit from going to any court. Over the past decade and a half, a perception has been established within prisons, business districts, and even universities that government party affiliations garner favoritism from judges. It is no longer a concept, it is a brutal reality of the destruction of the Judiciary today. Although the conventional concept of corruption refers to economic transactions, intellectual corruption is more destructive than dynamite, more dangerous than an atom bomb, more deadly than cancer.
Due to the deadly corruption of your predecessors, the country is without democracy, people are without rights, and the media is silent. Due to the deadly intellectual corruption, many talented lawyers in this arena drop out at the beginning, some unscrupulous lawyers of corrupt politics emerge, which makes it difficult to produce good lawyers. If we don't get good lawyers, we can't expect good judges, good courts. The matter is vice-versa as well. Proof of which - now we have here Ashrarul Hossain, M, H Khandkar, Khandkar Mahbub Uddin Ahmed, Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed, Khandkar Mahbub Hossain, T, H, Khan, Rafiqul Haque, Mahmudul Islam, Rokan Uddin Mahmud, Fida M, Kamal, AJ Lawyers are not made like Muhammad Ali. It's frustrating, it's scary. We want to get rid of this situation.
