Sunday , 09 March, 2025 | 25 ফাল্গুন, 1431 Bangabdo
Published: 06:19 22 November 2024
The first university established in Bangladesh after independence was the Islamic University of Kushtia (IU). The university's journey began on November 22, 1979, in Shantidanga-Dulalpur, a place between Kushtia and Jhenaidah. The university, established with the goal of spreading knowledge and creating skilled manpower to expand quality higher education and invent new knowledge, is about to enter its 46th year. In pursuit of that goal, about 16,700 students are currently studying in 36 departments under 8 faculties. But even after 45 years, the crisis remains as severe as a mountain. Therefore, Islamic University representative Tanim Tanvir is presenting the thoughts of the students about the existing crisis of the university and their expectations on the anniversary of its establishment to the readers.
IU failed in its founding goals and objectives
The Islamic University was established on November 22, 1979, with the aim of forming an honest, competent, highly educated nation by combining Islamic education and modern education. The history of the establishment of this university is not like the establishment of other universities. It is the fruit of the education, culture, values, and almost 100 years of movement of the Muslims of this country. Initially, the university was run by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Later, while trying to combine Islamic education with modern education, Islam was subtracted and modernity was given priority. Due to excessive corruption, the Islamic Conference Organization left its responsibility. Since then, the university has been run by the Bangladesh government. Falling into the trap of various conspiracies, the university was transferred from Gazipur in the capital to a village in Kushtia. Geographically, the backbone of the Islamic University was broken here.
The university started studying with three departments of the Faculty of Theology, giving priority to Islamic education. Gradually, thirty-three more departments were opened. Which are far from Islam. In which departments are not given even a little education about Islam. 80 percent of the students cannot even recite the Quran. When comparing it with other universities, this university has also been made like other universities. It has not left any of its uniqueness. Which is a complete betrayal of the movement and struggle at the time of the establishment of this university. The university has entered 46 years step by step. After the mass uprising of 24, the new vice-chancellor has assured to return the university to its founding goals and objectives. We also want this university to regain the spirit of its founding goals and objectives. As a Muslim-majority country in the new Bangladesh, Islamic universities should create a developed nation by combining Islam and modernity.
Mosaddek Hossain
Al Quran and Islamic Studies
Undemocratic University Law of a Democratic Country Needs Amendment
Vice-chancellors are appointed from a panel of three members elected by the Senate in universities run through the Ordinance Act of 1973. Since the Senate has representatives from teachers, students, registrars, and graduates, students and teachers have the opportunity to give their opinions in the elections.
The Islamic University Act was passed in 1980. Section 10 (1) of this Act states, "The Chancellor shall appoint a Vice-Chancellor for a term of four years on such terms and conditions as he may determine."
And Section 11 (1) states, "The Vice-Chancellor shall be the full-time executive and academic officer of the University."
In that Act, the provision for the election of the Vice-Chancellor panel, contrary to the Ordinance of 1973, was removed, the Senate did not exist, there was no provision for the election of deans, and the power of the Vice-Chancellor was made absolute. In a democratic country, such undemocratic laws should be amended in government universities and a new law should be made on the model of the Ordinance of 1973. We have regained our democracy through the July uprising. Therefore, it is very important to amend the undemocratic university law in a democratic country.
Mishuk Shahriar
Al Fiqh and Legal Studies
Analog system in the service sector
I got admitted to a government university with the dream of higher education. Although I had a dream of getting various facilities, I was disappointed in most cases. The achievement is a green campus with two large playgrounds, a beautiful central mosque. Although the university law mentions 100% residency, it has not been fulfilled even after 45 years. Although the university's common room has already been banned, ordinary students are suffering due to the housing crisis. Students are forced to stay in the cities of Jhenaidah and Kushtia, which are 22 and 24 kilometers away. And although there are reasonable residential facilities for boys, the girls are the ones who suffer the most due to the housing crisis. Numerous students have to stay in the common room even after reaching the 2nd/3rd year. For this, the administration should take the initiative to build new student halls. To strengthen security, important places on the campus should be brought under CCTV. Effective steps to eliminate the suffering of the administrative building, such as making impartial appointments to administrative posts based on merit and ensuring monitoring and accountability at all levels of administrative work. In addition, to eliminate the suffering of students, all arrangements should be made to provide services through a smart card. In the era of information technology, the admission process should be carried out by ensuring maximum use of digitalization, eliminating the slow process. Above all, if effective steps are taken to eliminate session congestion by reducing unreasonable and unbridled holidays, we will be able to be proud of EB.
Shafiqul Islam Hasib
Law Department
Inadequacy of budget in research
A 175-acre Islamic university built with the great goal of building a moral and developed nation by combining Islam and modern education. This green campus surrounded by shade has been playing an important role in producing the country's best researchers, developing and innovating technology, and building a developed nation since its inception. However, there are several problems including lack of accommodation, classroom and teacher shortage, session jams, broken medical services, use of slow methods in admission and certificate issuance, shortage of suitable laboratories and budget. On the University Day after the July Uprising, I hope that this vital university will play a leading role in building the country and the nation by increasing the budget for research and solving all the problems.
Mahfuzul Haque Piyas
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Will open new horizons of creativity and research beyond traditional limits
Islamic University is a symbol of our pride, an enlightened campus for learning. After 45 years, when the university is about to enter its 46th year, I look back at its achievements and potential. Countless students of this institution are leaving their mark of success in the country and the international arena today.
As a student, I have seen that EB is not just a place to acquire knowledge, it is a craftsman for shaping the mind. EB has maintained its status in the well-chosen environment of improving the quality of education, advancing research, and practicing Islamic and indigenous culture. However, there are some challenges in the path of this progress—especially the need for development in jurisprudence clinics, Sharia clinics, medical services, seminar libraries, advanced lab facilities, adequate housing, and a contemporary curriculum.
We expect EB to go beyond its traditional boundaries, open new horizons of creativity and research, and help build a new society through education. By creating a new perspective by combining Islamic education with modern knowledge, science and technology, it will play a stronger role in the national and international arena. Like renowned universities in the outside world, EB can play a special role in fulfilling its moral responsibilities for the welfare of the local people and students through open lectures and seminars, controlled healthcare camps, agricultural camps, entrepreneurship training, free legal and Sharia advice, and skill development programs. This will strengthen the social responsibility of the university and directly benefit the people. Enriched with the light of Islamic values, EB will be a guide to a golden future. Where teachers, students and the country will feel proud.
Mustafizur Rahman
Al Fiqh and Legal Studies
Internationalization of the pasture of knowledge is needed
Established as a pasture of knowledge that has been imprinted with many hours and millions of footprints
175-acre campus. This university, which started its journey on November 22, 1979, is going to enter its 46th year, which is a matter of great joy. The university is working tirelessly to expand knowledge, innovate new knowledge and build skilled manpower to ensure quality higher education. Its important achievements include modern laboratories, advanced curricula and an environment rich in sports and culture. It is expected that the administration will play a more effective role in improving the quality of education in the future by using advanced technology, expanding international standard educational programs and research facilities to develop students with the right knowledge and skills.
Mosha: Salsabil Nishat
Electrical and Electronic Engineering